M3d+it 2021 online event

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Thursday, 02 December 2021


Start Finish
11:00 13:00 M3d+it – Virtual Matchmaking
13:00 13:05 M3d+it – Opening (Day 1)
Francesco Moscato, MedUni Vienna | Zoltan Major, JKU
13:05 13:30 M3d+it – Keynote 1
3D Food Printing, the Next Frontier of Additive Manufacturing
Chua Chee Kai, SUTD
13:30 14:15 Session 1: Additive Manufacturing R&D Technology (Research)
Chair: Zoltan Major, JKU
13:30 13:45 Laser-Based High Resolution 3D Printing for Biomedical Applications
Aleksandr Ovsianikov, TU Vienna
13:45 14:00 3D Bioprinting of Human Plasma-Based Bilayered Skin
Diego Velasco Bayón, UC3M
14:00 14:15 Design and Manufacturing Strategies: From Tissue Engineering Constructs Towards Living Materials
Andrés Díaz Lantanda, UPM
14:15 14:40 Keynote 2
Design for Additive Manufacturing Applied to Lightweight and Biomechanical Systems
Giorgio De Pasquale, POLITO
14:40 15:00 Coffee Break | M3d+it – Virtual Matchmaking
15:00 16:15 Session 2: Additive Manufacturing R&D Technology (Industry)
Chair: Johannes Homa, Lithoz
15:00 15:15 3D-printing-by-Design: a Solution for Next Generation Life Science Applications
Jan Schrooten, Antleron
15:15 15:30 Lithography-based Ceramic Manufacturing for Fabricating Multi-Material Components
Martin Schwentenwein, Lithoz
15:30 15:45 3D Printing Utilization in the Production of Personalized Implants
Michal Sibr, Prospon
15:45 16:00 3D Printing in Orthopedics. Oppotunities and Pitfalls
Martin Petraschka, Kerkoc
16:00 16:15 Stratasys Digital Anatomy Printer for Lifelike Anatomical Models
Arnaud Toutain, Stratasys
16:15 16:35 Coffee Break | M3d+it – Virtual Matchmaking
16:35 17:35 Session 3: Clinical Use-Cases of Additive Manufacturing
Chair: Christoph Staudigl, Kepler Uni.Klinikum Linz
16:35 16:50 3D Printing Dental Implants – an Introduction of the Inkplant Project
Christoph Staudigl, Kepler Uni.Klinikum Linz
16:50 17:05 Treatment of Meniscal and Osteochondral Defects – a Clinical Tightrope Walk
Andreas Enz, MedUni Rostock
17:05 17:20 Additively Manufactured Human Oral Mucosa Model for Surgical Simulation
Gunpreet Oberoi, MedUni Vienna
17:20 17:35 Industrialization of 3D Printed Medical Devices for Clinical Use
Nicolas Bouduban, Swiss m4m Center
17:35 17:40 Short Break
17:40 18:40 Session 4: Medical Additive Manufacturing (National Projects)
Chair: Francesco Moscato, MedUni Vienna
17:40 17:50 M3dRes: A 3D-Printing Infrastructure in a Large University Hospital: 4+ Years in Review
Francesco Moscato, MedUni Vienna
17:50 18:00 Medusa: Hybrid Surgical Simulators: Application of 3D-Printing, Results and Requirements
Andreas Schrempf, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
18:00 18:10 CAMed: In-House Manufacturing of Patient-Specific Implants Directly in the Clinic – Challenges in Clinical Process Integration
Ute Schäfer, MedUni Graz
18:10 18:20 CD Lab: Advanced Biophotopolymers for Bone Healing
Stefan Baudis, TU Vienna
18:20 18:30 Functional Meniscus Tissue Regeneration by 3D-Bioprinting with Silk-Based Bioinks
Vivek Jeyakumar, Danube Uni Krems
18:30 18:40 FAM-3D: Functional Anatomical 3D-Models
Gernot Kronreif, ACMIT
18:40 19:00 Poster Award Ceremony
19:00 Chair: Lucy Vojtová, CEITEC BUT


19:00 19:00 M3d+it – Closing (Day 1)
19:00 20:00 M3d+it – Virtual Matchmaking


Friday, 03 December 2021


Start Finish
08:30 08:35 M3d+it – Opening (Day 2)
Francesco Moscato, MedUni Vienna | Zoltan Major, JKU
08:35 10:50 Session 5: Medical Additive Manufacturing (International Projects)
Chair: Daniel Seitz, BioMed Center Innovation Bayreuth
08:35 08:50 INKplant: Ink-Based Hybrid Multimaterial Fabrication of Next Generation Implants
Daniel Seitz, BioMed Center Innovation Bayreuth / Michael Kainz, PROFACTOR
08:50 09:05 GIOTTO: Active Ageing and Osteoporosis: the GIOTTO Project Approach
Chiara Vitale-Brovarone, POLITO
09:05 09:20 Smart Bone Regeneration (SBR): A H2020 Programme
Sophia Antimisiaris, University of Patras
09:20 09:35 ADMAIORA: Smart Materials and Ultrasound for Cartilage Healing
Leonardo Ricotti, Scuola Superiore Sant´Anna
09:35 09:50 RESTORE: Cartilage Bioprinting Technology Development
Sanna Turunen, Brinter Ltd.
09:50 10:05 cmRNAbone: 3D Printed-Matrix Assisted Chemically Modified RNAs Bone Regenerative Therapy for Trauma and Osteoporotic Patients
Martin Stoddart, AO Research Institute Davos
10:05 10:20 BRAV3: Advanced Bioengineering to Unlock Cardiac Regenerative Medicine
Manuel M. Mazo Vega, Universidad de Navarra
10:20 10:35 I-SMarD: Morphological Engineering of Bio-Minerals Using Near-IR Mode-Locked Lasers – a New Approach for Integrative Manufacturing of Hard-Soft Tissues for In-Theatre Use!
Animesh Jha, University of Leeds
10.35 10:50 TRIANKLE: 3D Bioprinted Personalised Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration of Ankle Joint
Lluis Quintana Frigola, Viscofan BioEngineering
10:50 11:20 Coffee Break | M3d+it – Virtual Matchmaking
11:20 12:30 Session 6: Medical Device Design & Simulation, Medical Device Implementation and Clinical Translation
Chair: Gernot Kronreif, ACMIT
11:20 11:40 Steering Cell Activity Through Biomaterials and Scaffolds Design
Lorenzo Moroni, Maastricht University
11:40 11:55 Regulatory Requirements for 3D Printed Cranial Implants and Other Clinical Applications
Martin Herzmann, Kumovis
11:55 12:15 AM-Certification – Status Quo, Experiences and Outlook
Simon Schlagnitweit, TÜV SÜD
12:15 12:30 Sustainability: 3Rs and Health Equity in Medical Devices and Technology
Arti Ahluwalia, University of Pisa
12:30 12:55 Keynote 3
Hydrogels: 4D Materials ans Systems Towards Medical Applications
Hidemitsu Furukawa, Yamagata University
12:55 13:00 M3d+it – Closing
13:00 14:00 Lunch Break | M3d+it – Virtuell Matchmaking